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Earth, Air, Fire and Water, the four elements, are what make up this planet. Everything in existence is made up of one or more of these energies and is all around us. Fundamentally, all things are energy and/or a part of the elements. Which leads me to the belief that many plants correspond to these elements. Their oils and actions hold an immense amount of power, and we believe it is about time we tap into that. Using these essential oil blends will help you shift into the Desired Element. 


Diffusing these blends while cozying up at home or incorporating them into your yoga practice, for use in meditation or on your pillow at night. 

The frequency or vibration of each plant oil will shift you vibrationally into the desired state of being reflected in the elements of earth, air, fire or water.


Price: $20 each or Four Elements Set for $5 off 


EARTH 15 ml~ For the Body

Connecting with the Earth Element will keep you grounded and fuel you with stable roots, and reliable energy.

The Earth element promotes peace, fertility, money, business success, stability, garden growth and employment.

Astrological Rulers: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

Blended with 100% pure essential oils: Cypress, Pine, Cinnamon, Bergamot and Vetiver.


AIR 15 ml ~ For the Mind

Connecting with the Air Element is key to a clear mind, and finding inner wisdom.

The Air element promotes communication, travel, intellect, eloquence, divination, freedom and wisdom.

Astrological Rulers: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

Blended with 100% pure essential oils: Lemongrass, Lavender, Spearmint, Lemon, and Myrtle. 


FIRE 15 ml ~ For the Spirit 

Connecting with the Fire Element is a good way to fuel your soul with courage and strength when dealing with big goals and passionate affairs. 

The Fire element promotes enthusiasm, physical strength, manifesting the Law of Attraction, action and protection. 

Astrological Rulers: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Blended with 100% pure essential oils: Frankincense, Lemon, Geranium, Cinnamon and Cedarwood.


WATER 15 ml ~ For the Heart

Connecting with the Water Element is critical in keeping your intuition sharp, your emotional health in check and surrendering to the ebb and flow that is life. 

The Water element promotes love, healing, peace, compassion, reconciliation, forgiveness, friendship, de-stressing, sleep, dreams, psychic abilities and purification. 

Astrological Rulers: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Blended with 100% pure essential oils: Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Lemon and Ho Wood.


**Please reuse or recycle bottles 

Four Elements Diffuser Collection


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